Youth Organisations for Drug Action comprises of a number of national initiatives across the Europe.
Aksion Plus

Aksion Plus is the first youth Non Governmental Organization in Albania working actively in AIDS and Drugs prevention through education, information, training, publications and other activities.
At present we are a group of about 30 active volunteers in Tirana and many more in other towns that contribute in various projects and activities. Aksion Plus collaborates with other NGO’s, as well as with Governmental structures.
Legalize Belarus

Legalize Belarus is the only non-governmental organization working in the field of drugs in Belarus. Their key goals are:
1. To provide honest education about the effects of use of psychoactive substances 2. To advocate for a change of drug laws in Belarus, which are currently the harshest in Europe and include 5-8 years of prison for possession of a small amount of any drug (non-suspended). 3. To provide legal and psychological support for people persecuted for drug offences, and their relatives and friends.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Asocijacija Margina

Association Margina is non-profit and non-political association whose goal is protecting human rights of most-at-risk populations through increasing the level of their social inclusion and preventing of HIV/AIDS and other blood borne and sexually transmitted infections in Bosnia and Herzegovina and region.

Neutravel is a Italian party-outreach and drug checking project, focused on the drug education and harm reduction, primarily among the young club and festival atendees. It is based in Turin, but extends its activities to the music festivals around entire Italy.
Neutravel is a part of a larger organization, Cooperative Sociale “Alice”, that also works with people with disabilities, homeless and refugees.

Labirynth was founded in 2002 in Prishtina and has two sectors: prevention sector which deals with the prevention of drug abuse and infectious diseases associated to injecting drugs, such as HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C; and treatment sector which provides psycho-medical treatment for people addicted to drugs. There are three multidisciplinary centers functioning under the umbrella of NGO Labyrinth: Labyrinth Center in Prishtina and its branches in Gjilan and Prizren.

HOPS – Healthy Options Project Skopje is nongovernmental, nonprofit and non party organization which started its work as the first project in Macedonia for needle exchange in 1997. In accordance to its mission, HOPS has developed different programs since its beginning to the present: program for harm reduction from drug use, preventing HIV/AIDS and other blood born diseases, social integration and re-socialization for vulnerable and marginalized groups in Macedonia with focus on drug users, sex workers and their families.
As an acknowledgement of the work of many years, HOPS at the 18th International Conference for HIV/AIDS in Vienna, received the International Award for Action on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights for 2010.

Juventas is a non-governmental organisation established in 1996 in Podgorica, Montenegro. It is active in the areas public health, human rights, tackling discrimination, education and other. Juventas is the main provider of harm reduction services for drug users, sex workers and prisoners in the country.

Spoleczna Inicjatywa Narkopolityki (Social Drug Policy Initiative) is a Polish youth organisation, which aims for creating a venue for objective and evidence-based discussion about national and international drug policies. It was founded in 2009 and since then has grown to several chapters in all the major Polish cities and academic centres.
APDES - Agência Piaget para o Desenvolvimento

Founded in 2004, APDES – Agência Piaget para o Desenvolvimento – is a non-profit NGDO (Non-governmental Development Organisation) that promotes the integrated development. APDES main goal is to intervene with vulnerable communities and people, in order to improve their access to healthcare services, employment and education, working for the empowerment of institutions and individuals, as well as for the reinforcement of social cohesion. The organisational profile of APDES comprehends four lines of intervention that guide the developed projects: health, harm reduction and human rights; health education; social cohesion and employment; cooperation and development.

CEPA (Centrul European pentru Prevenirea Adicţiilor -European Centre for Addiction Prevention) was established back in 2012 in Bucharest, Romania, aiming to prevent illicit drug use, as well as to promote healthy lifestyles through development, monitoring and evaluation of public policies. CEPA advocates for the importance of human rights of prisoners and makes analysis of institutional mechanisms and legal frameworks for development, monitoring, and evaluation of public policies.
Energy Control

Energy Control is a project which forms part of a Spanish NGO Asociación Bienestar y Desarrollo (Association For Well Being And Development) . They are located in Spain and we have offices in Catalonia, Madrid, on the Balearic Islands and in Andalusia. Energy Control was founded in Barcelona in 1997 as a pioneer project in Spain in the field of harm reduction associated to recreational drug use.
United Kingdom

Students for Sensible Drug Policy UK is part of an international network of young people and students that originally started out in the United States.
Students for Sensible Drug Policy UK was founded by a small group of students at the University of Leeds in April 2008. Since then it has grown into a nationwide network with chapters all over the country and gaining widespread recognition as the voice of students and young people working towards better drug policies.
We run educational initiatives, training events and an annual conference every year which is the focal point for all of our years activities and growth.
Dimitar Kagagegov
Dimitar is drug policy, human rights and civil liberties activist working in Bulgaria, where he is also the ambassador of YODA. He has been campaigning for drug policy reform in his country, organized harm reduction actions for recreational drug users, and advocated for human rights and civil liberties.
Czech Republic
Eva Césarová
Eva Césarová is a young activist from Czech Republic who is involved in various activities related to drug policy, harm reduction and psychedelics. She studied Marketing Communications and Film Production and dedicated all activities to the drug related topics
Florian Scheibein
Florian is a Research Assistant and PhD candidate in the School of Health Science in Waterford Institute of Technolgy where he researches stress; NPS injecting; tobacco harm reduction and open science/citizen science as it relates to substance use. As a Project Manager for Youth RISE he is helping develop a multilingual elearning platform and an online resource library for young people who use drugs. He helped develop TripApp as Deputy Director of Help Not Harm
Anna Kinchevskaya
Anna is young activist involved at the Andrey Rylkov Foundation, providing legal assistance to people from marginalized communities. She also works as a local human rights lawyer at the Global Fund.